Mission Grow


Mission Grow


Local Retailer

Available in Quart, Gallon, 2.5 Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon, and 275 Gallon. Find your local retailer or call us today to answer all your questions. 805-242-4483

Our GROW nutrient is a certified Organic (CDFA) liquid fertilizer that is gets your plants off to a roaring start.  Designed for soil growers and suitable for indoor or outdoors in any soil media.  Use during the growth stage week 1-4 (see feeding schedule for details).

Simple to use with no need to worry about PPM or PH (as long as tap water is within normal range) when used with soil.  Just 1 tablespoon (15ml) per gallon of water.  Best results if used along with recommended Mission Fertilizers according to feeding schedule.

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